Julian Maurice Moore

Author, composer, songwriter

Julian's Blog, Macabre Blog

Baby Farming

It’s not what you’re thinking. There aren’t farms of babies grazing in the English countryside and never have been. Their hide is useless and they are even harder to herd than cats. Baby Farming is the term given to mean the taking in of an infant or child for payment, possibly involving wetnursing. Victorian Baby Farmers were paid on the understanding that care would be provided, and the term “baby farmer” was used as an insult, and improper treatment was usually implied.

Amelia Dyer was the most prolific baby farm murderer of Victorian England and although she was tried and hanged for one murder, there is little doubt she was responsible for many more similar deaths — possibly 400 or more. That’s her picture there on the right.

Worst nanny ever.

Amelia Dyer on Wikipedia

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